A Spa Facial Designed to Fight Acne
Its that time of year again the time of year when most breakouts seem to occur. Its also a time when we are still on a budget for many with travel, going back to school etc. so I wanted to come up with a great way to balance the summertime breakouts yet still be reasonable on the budget. We came up with our current special: The Summertime Acne Spa Facial Treatment Plan $165. This plan consists of a series of four spa facials in one month to really get the breakouts under control. The first facial is our 60 minute spa facial which is always customized and is comprised of a deep cleansing, skin analysis, exfoliating treatment, two masks (based on your skin at the moment so they can change at any time), extractions (what acne spa facial would complete without them?), and high frequency to help banish the current eruptions, toner, moisturizer, spf and eye/lip cream.
Usually in our 60 minute we do facial massage however I do not encourage this in acne clients getting facials as this may stimulate the sebaceous glands causing more breakouts and that’s just a risk I would rather not take. Lots of people also ask me what exactly high frequency does and how it can help breakouts. High frequency has been around since the 1800’s but it wasn’t until the 1970’s did they discover the cosmetic and healing benefits. It uses a low level of oxygenating electrical current (usually not painful at all however for those deep cystic eruptions there may be a little bit of discomfort at the time but so worth it in the end!) to enhance blood circulation, eliminate toxins and acne bacteria, and increase collagen and elastin production while exfoliating dead skin cells and aiding in lymphatic drainage.
This is all used through glass electrodes that come in various shapes and sizes. This device is what I call “an estheticians best friend”. The second third and fourth facials are all our express spa facials which are great at keeping the results from the first facial maintained. After the month is up we will reevaluate and go from there but the goal is to get you to the point where the acne is under control with only maintenance facials needed. I can not stress this enough, one facial will not get rid of acne completely.
This is why we have designed our treatment plan, to stay on top of breakouts. What you use at home is just as important. If you are using the right products on your skin not only will it keep the results of the facial lasting much longer but you will also have an aid in keeping the skin clean and bacteria free! We will evaluate your at home regimen to make sure you have everything you need and exactly when and how to use it. See you soon!